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subject selection for new students


Flight Centre Travel Academy

Welcome to the Subject Selection Page!

Information for New Students

Scroll to information for students who are new to Flight Centre Travel Academy and selecting subjects for the first semester.

Information for Returning Students

Scroll to information for students who are returning and selecting subjects for the second semester or later.


Student Support

Subject Selection Assistance for New Students

Congratulations on your enrolment with Flight Centre Travel Academy for your Diploma of Travel and Tourism. It is now time for you to choose your subjects. Exciting!

Follow these steps to select your subjects!


Firstly, you need to activate your new student email address.

You will need your Torrens Student email to access the Student Portal. You'll receive an email from Torrens University Australia with your student email and instructions on how to activate.

If you have enrolled in the last day, your student email can take up to 24 hours to reach you.

Congratulations you're ready for Step 2.


Secondly, you need to choose your subjects.

How do I do this?

Download the how-to guide and follow the steps.

Access your Torrens Student Hub HERE

Once you have logged into the Torrens Student Hub, open 'Subject Selection' and select 'Register for Classes'.

Which subjects do I choose?

Select the correct intake from the drop-down box - your intake date will be accompanied with "FC". For example, "Semester 26AUG FC, 2024".

If an incorrect intake is selected, you'll receive an error message and will not be able to continue. 

The subjects you will need to choose for your first semester will depend on how many subjects you are taking.


4 subjects = SIB101FC + TTI101FC + SST101FC + IMB101FC


1 subject = SIB101FC

2 subjects = SIB101FC + TTI101FC

3 subjects = SIB101FC + TTI101FC + SST101FC


1 subject = TTI101FC


Made a mistake or can't get it to work? Try our troubleshooting helpful hints on the next tab.

Help I can't get it to work!

Helpful hints

Try these helpful hints to get your subject selection working:

  • Device: Please use a laptop or desktop computer (not a mobile or tablet)
  • Browser: We find Chrome works best

Removing a subject

Made an error in your subject selection and need to remove a subject?
Download our how-to guide for dropping a subject.

Still getting an error?

Send us a screenshot with the issue.

Have you followed the above steps? Still struggling to select your subjects?


Send us an email >> 



Student Support

Subject Selection Assistance for Returning Students

Congratulations on completing your semester with Flight Centre Travel Academy for your Diploma of Travel and Tourism. It is now time for you to choose your subjects for your next semester!

You will have received an email 

Follow these steps to select your subjects!


Firstly, you'll need your Torrens login details and your subject selection email.

Access your Torrens Student Hub HERE

You will need your Torrens Student email to access the Student Portal. 

Your Subject Selection email from Flight Centre Travel Academy will show you your recommended subjects for the next semester.

Congratulations, you're ready for Step 2.


Secondly, you need to choose your subjects.

Once you have logged into the Torrens Student Hub, open 'Subject Selection' and select 'Register for Classes'.

Which subjects do I choose?

Select the correct intake from the drop-down box - your intake date will be accompanied with "FC". For example, "Semester 26AUG FC, 2024".

If an incorrect intake is selected, you'll receive an error message and will not be able to continue. 

The subjects you will need to choose for your next semester will depend on how many subjects you are taking.

Recommended subjects for your next semester are on your Subject Selection email from Flight Centre Travel Academy.

Need a refresher on how to do this?

Download the how-to guide and follow the steps.

Made a mistake or can't get it to work? Try our troubleshooting helpful hints on the next tab.

Help I can't get it to work!

Helpful hints

Try these helpful hints to get your subject selection working:

  • Device: Please use a laptop or desktop computer (not a mobile or tablet)
  • Browser: We find Chrome works best

Removing a subject

Made an error in your subject selection and need to remove a subject?
Download our how-to guide for dropping a subject.

Still getting an error?

Send us a screenshot with the issue.

Have you followed the above steps? Still struggling to select your subjects?


Send us an email >>