How Faerus Took Advantage of a Life-Changing Opportunity
Leaving her comfort zone set Faerus up for success. Learn how the young mom managed to stay on top of her studies and grew more confident in herself.
"As a mother of three, I chose to study online which was both suitable and convenient for me, as I was able to schedule my own study time."
Why did you choose to study at the Flight Centre Travel Academy, Faerus?
"Before studying, I booked my holidays through Flight Centre and was always satisfied with the quality of service I received.
The travel consultants were very friendly and committed, and even provided their business cards so that I could call at any time.
I wanted to be a part of Flight Centre as I was attracted to the commendable service they provide, which is why I began to research Travel and Tourism courses and was very happy to find that Flight Centre had its own Travel Academy."
What did you enjoy the most about the course?
"I used to think that travelling was simply going to other places and experiencing different cuisines and cultures.
The aspect of the course I really enjoyed was learning more about the specific types of travel, including voluntourism, sustainable tourism, solo travel, and many more.
Receiving the help of devoted facilitators who guided me through the course also made it much more enjoyable."
How did you fit study into your life?
"As I am a mother of three, my lifestyle is very busy, which is why I chose to study online.
This was both suitable and convenient for me, as I was able to schedule my own study time when I was free. I also made sure to be organised so that I was staying on top of my workload."
Given the current travel climate due to COVID, how do you feel about the future of the travel industry?
"I believe that the travel industry will see a decrease in revenue in the near future as it is unknown when the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic will come to an end.
However, when the pandemic does eventually pass, the travel industry would boom, as many customers will have not travelled for significant periods of time and would thus be eager to do so once restrictions are permanently lifted.
This is particularly true for those with friends and family abroad."
What are your goals for the future?
"Primarily, I would like to have a career in the travel and hospitality industry, for example, as a travel consultant, or even as a supervisor or operations manager in a hotel."
What advice would you give to future students?
"Of course, I would advise that future students fully embrace what is being taught and treat their studies as a source of fun learning and insight for their future career pathways, rather than simply another task that needs to be done.
This will allow students to flourish in their study environment and be the best versions of themselves that they can be."
Anything else you want to share about your experience?
"Group work was a particularly challenging aspect of my study journey at first, as I had to work with people whom I did not know to complete tasks.
However, when I reflected on my teamwork and what it could produce, I grew much more confident in my collaborative skills."
Thank you, Faerus!
About the Diploma in Travel and Tourism
Delivered in conjunction with our partner Torrens University Australia, the Diploma of Travel and Tourism has been designed to provide graduates with a broad base of travel and tourism knowledge and skills suitable for employment.
The Diploma of Travel and Tourism offers insight into the diverse tourism industry from knowledge provided first hand from Australia’s largest travel company.
The content and systems students are trained on, are always current and in-line with the ever-changing industry. When you study with us, you are studying with the best.
Our Diploma allows graduates to continue on to a Bachelor of Business with Torrens University Australia.
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"The aspect of the course I really enjoyed was learning more about the specific types of travel, including voluntourism, sustainable tourism, solo travel, and many more."