Diploma of Travel and Tourism Subject
Industry Focus - INF101FC
Hands-on exploration of the travel and tourism industry.
INF101FC is an elective subject of the Diploma of Travel and Tourism delivered in partnership between Flight Centre Travel Academy and Torrens University Australia.
What to expect
Throughout the 18-week program, students will primarily focus on gaining practical workplace experience within the travel and tourism industry. This experience allows them to showcase their acquired knowledge and skills, build industry connections, and gain firsthand workplace insights.
During the course, students will:
- Enhance their performance within a team setting at the workplace.
- Apply their travel and tourism expertise in a professional setting.
- Exhibit the ability to achieve workplace goals.
- Display effective communication, problem-solving, and time management skills in a work environment.
- Reflect on their performance and respond constructively to feedback.
- Develop strategies to improve their professional practices.
Student Outcomes
Industry work experience
Industry pathways and career profiles
Learning activities within virtual and simulated environments
Observation and collaboration at work
Taking on feedback and creating development opportunities
Student Experience
- Participate in live online learning sessions and tutorials led by experts from Flight Centre Travel Academy or watch the recorded sessions.
- Receive one-on-one coaching calls, assessment assistance, and student wellness support as needed.
- Work experience with an employer in the student’s chosen area of the travel and tourism industry.
Content Outline
- Effective workplace communication and professional etiquette
- Career preparation
- Becoming a better team player
- Problem solving for ongoing career success
- Ethical tourism
- Career pathways
Statement of intent toward work experience
Work experience summary video diary
Reflective journal based on work experience opportunity
Job Placement
This subject requires students to source their own work experience in any sector/role within the Travel and Tourism industry.
‘Seeing for myself what actually happens in the role has made such a difference!’
FCTA Student on work experience

Jump to other subjects:
- Travel Trends and Insights TTI101FC
- Travel Products, services and destinations - yesterday, today and tomorrow
- Successful Sales Techniques SST101FC
- Connecting with a consumer to provide exceptional experiences every time
- Succeeding in Business SIB101FC
- Developing Skills and behaviours valued by employers
- Introduction to Marketing and Branding IMB101FC
- Understanding organisational marketing and personal branding
- Travel Systems Essentials TSE101FC
- Digital innovations, transformations and disruptors impacting the tourism industry
- Understanding People and Organisations BIZ102FC
- Businesses today,
their structure and employee dynamics
- Businesses today,
Elective Subjects
- Sustainable Tourism SUS101FC
- Understanding sustainable concepts within the travel and tourism industry
- Industry Focus INF101FC
- Hands-on exploration of the travel and tourism industry
- Industry Practice INF102FC
- Supporting students in the workplace