Understanding People & Organisations - BIZ102FC
BIZ102FC is a core subject of the Diploma of Travel and Tourism delivered in partnership between Flight Centre Travel Academy and Torrens University Australia.
What to expect
Throughout the 18-week program, students will have the chance to gain insight into modern organisations, understand the importance of tam dynamics, as well as the impact that personality types and motivation have on meeting goals. Students will improve their self-directed learning abilities and emotional intelligence, essential for a prosperous career.
During the course, students will:
- Establish a solid theoretical knowledge base concerning organizational behavior.
- Delve into the importance of motivation and emotional intelligence, examining their impact on professional roles, practices, and outcomes within the travel and tourism industry.
- Research and present effective strategies for interacting with diverse individuals in different professional travel and tourism environments.
- Identify personal strengths and consider their application in a business setting.
- Evaluate feedback to identify areas for personal growth and professional advancement.
Student Outcomes
Reflections - Understanding your strengths and areas of opportunities and how to apply this in a professional team setting
Understanding Generational and Cultural differences and the impacts on the workforce
Workplace communication scenarios
Learning activities within virtual and simulated environments
Observation and collaboration at work
Tourism organisations, networking and improving your employability
Student Experience
- Participate in live online lectures and tutorials led by experts from Flight Centre Travel Academy or watch the recorded sessions.
- 6 module tutorials
- 3 assessment Q&As
- Receive one-on-one coaching calls, assessment assistance, and student wellness support as needed.
Content Outline
- Self-motivation, emotional intelligence and goal-setting for career growth
- Understanding team dynamics and effective strategies within the workplace
- The impact of globalisation and the importance of strong leadership for organisations today
- Cultural competency and Australia's generational differences
This subject uses a mix of theoretical readings and class discussions to illustrate how theories connect to real-world scenarios, as well as reflective journals to link theory to the student's professional development.
Reflection on own Emotional Intelligence and Self Motivation
Individual Presentation
Case Study Essay - Strategies of an Organisation
What is Emotional Intelligence?
- Emotional Intelligence involves accurately perceiving emotions in oneself and others, utilizing emotions to enhance thinking, comprehending emotions, emotional language, and interpreting signals conveyed by emotions, as well as managing emotions to achieve specific objectives.
‘It's critical to success ...This just pulls everything together - knowing how people and businesses work!’
FCTA Student

Jump to other subjects:
- Succeeding in Business SIB101FC
- Developing Skills and behaviours valued by employers
- Travel Trends and Insights TTI101FC
- Travel Products, services and destinations - yesterday, today and tomorrow
- Successful Sales Techniques SST101FC
- Connecting with a consumer to provide exceptional experiences every time
- Introduction to Marketing and Branding IMB101FC
- Understanding organisational marketing and personal branding
- Travel Systems Essentials TSE101FC
- Digital innovations, transformations and disruptors impacting the tourism industry
- Sustainable Tourism SUS101FC
- Understanding sustainable concepts within the travel and tourism industry
- Industry Focus INF101FC
- Hands-on exploration of the travel and tourism industry
- Industry Practice INF102FC
- Supporting students in the workplace